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SCAN Health Insurance Company

Interested in finding out about SCAN Health Insurance Company and whether they have a plan that would meet your needs? There are so many health insurance companies to choose from when purchasing health insurance it can be difficult to decide which one would be the best fit for you.

Often, finding out about the company’s background, scope and vision can help you to know that their approach to health care is similar to your own. Learning what benefits that SCAN Health Insurance Company and other providers offer is a crucial part of the decision making process. Finally, determining what your health insurance policy will cost and whether the price you are paying for your coverage is competitive will also affect your decision.

Read the SCAN Health Insurance review, browse through the customer reviews of the SCAN Health Plan at the bottom of this page, and then enter your zip code in on the side of this page in order to compare quotes from many different health insurance providers online.

SCAN Health Insurance: History

SCAN (Senior Care Action Network) Health Insurance, now called SCAN Health Plan, was founded in 1977. The network was founded by senior citizens who felt that their access to quality health care services was inadequate and they needed an organization of this type to address their concerns. SCAN is a not for profit organization whose goal is to help senior citizens avoid nursing homes by giving them benefits that allow them to receive services in other venues. In this way, SCAN Health Insurance Company is enabling seniors to have control of where and how they live.

SCAN Health Insurance Network Coverage

SCAN Health Insurance Company is currently based in Long Beach, California. They have more than 800 employees and 110,000 members. They operate in seven counties in California including Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura. SCAN Health Insurance Company’s mission is to become the leading senior focused health management organization in each market in which they compete. They strive to find new ways to aid the elderly in managing their health care such that they can have living arrangements of their choice. They seek to develop partnerships that will allow for their members to get the care that they need in the setting they prefer at a reasonable cost.

SCAN Health Plans

SCAN Health Insurance Company offers Classic, Options, and Signature Plans. Classic plans are available in all counties in which they operate, Options plans are available in San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles and Orange counties, and Signature plans are offered in San Diego. Coverage and co-pays vary by county.

SCAN Classic Health Plan

In Kern County, the Classic Plan charges no premiums, has a co-pay of $5 for preferred care physician and $10 co-pay for visits to a specialist. The plan has $100 co-pays for inpatient care for the first four days, outpatient surgery, and ambulance trips. No co-payments are charged for the first 20 days of skilled nursing facilities, transportation, diagnostic tests, x-rays, lab work, and routine physical exams. A co-pay of $50 is charged for emergency care visits anywhere in the world, $20 co-pay applies for 21-100 days of skilled nursing facility care and urgent care has $5-$25 co-pays.

The Classic plan also includes In-Home Recovery benefits of up to $1000 for qualified participants. This plan provides personalized care at $15 co-pay per visit and a transportation escort for $15 co-pay. In-Home Recovery also includes an in-home recovery co-coordinator, custodial level care and home meals. The plan has co-pays of $10 for eye exams, $25 for glasses or contacts per two year period, and covers $75 towards frames and $100 toward the cost of contact lenses. The plan also has $10 co-pay for hearing exams, $0-$10 co-pay for hearing aid fittings with a $400 limit on hearing aids over a three year period.

The Classic plan has co-pays of $0, $10, $30, $50 and 25% for one month supplies of select generic, preferred generic, brand, additional brands and specialty pharmaceuticals, respectively. Three month supplies carry co-pays of $0, $20, $60, and $100 for generic, preferred generic, brand and additional brand drugs respectively. Kern county residents on the Classic plan have a $2,800 limit for total drug costs after which co-pays apply to formulary generic drugs and brand name drugs are not covered. This plan also includes a Health Wise for Life Handbook and a SCAN Club Newsletter. A Friends and Family Program and a 24 hour nurse line are also available options in Kern County.

The Classic Plan in the remaining counties has similar coverage to Kern County with the following exceptions:

Ventura County has co-pays for preferred care physician of $10, co-pays for urgent care range from $10-$25, and their drug plan coverage limit is $3000.

Los Angeles County has a $50 co-pay for the first 8 days of inpatient care, $50 co-pay for each outpatient surgery, $50 co-pay for ambulances, $10 co-pay for Medicare covered chiropractic care, and a total drug coverage limit of $4000.

Riverside County has a $10 co-pay for preferred care physicians, $50 co-pay for first 10 days of inpatient hospital care, $75 co-pay for ambulances, $10 co-pay for Medicare covered chiropractic care, and a total drug coverage limit of $3000.

Orange County has $50 co-pay for the first ten days of inpatient care, $50 co-pay for outpatient surgery, $50 co-pay for ambulances, $10 co-pay for Medicare covered chiropractic care, and a total drug coverage limit of $3000.

San Bernardino County has a $10 co-pay for each visit to a primary care physician, $50 co-pay for first ten days inpatient hospital care, $50 co-pay for outpatient surgery, $75 co-pay for ambulance, $10 co-pay for Medicare covered chiropractic care and a total drug coverage limit of $3000.

San Diego County has a $10 co-pay primary care physician visits, $25 co-pay for specialists, does not charge co-pays for inpatient or skilled nursing care, has co-pay of 20% for medical supplies, $25 co-pay for Medicare covered chiropractic care, and includes the Friends and Family Plan as well as the 24 hour nurse line.

SCAN Option & Signature Plans

The Option Plans offered in Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties differ from their Classic Plans in that there are no co-pays for primary care physicians or specialists, the skilled nursing facility 21-100 day stay co-pay is $50, the co-pay for Medicare covered medical equipment is 20%, hearing aids are not covered and $10 co-pays apply to both routine chiropractic care and acupuncture treatments.

The Los Angeles county Options plan has a co-pay of $50 for outpatient surgery instead of the $100 co-pay the other counties charge. The San Diego county Signature plan differs from its Classic Plan in that there is a premium of $59 per month, the outpatient co-pay is $200, and the total drug cost limit is $3000.

The prescription drug coverage in each of the plans is similar in format to those outlined in the Kern county Classic Plan although co-pays for different drug classes can vary slightly from county to county.

Compare SCAN Health Insurance Quotes!

Whether SCAN Health Insurance Company sounds like they are the right insurance company for you or not, you will still want to compare their products and prices with those of a few of their competitors to be sure you are getting the best possible service and price. You can get free rate quotes from several insurance companies using the rate quote tool above. Just enter your zip code and you’re already begun!

16 Comments to “SCAN Health Insurance Company”

  1. Paul G. Gardner II says:

    “I am currently awaiting a telephone call or even an email from a Ms. Geri Peterson (sp?), Assistant to Mr. David Schmidt, President of SCAN.

    I’m DEEPLY upset with the services I have received from SCAN over the duration of my SWITCH to them from AARP. The only reason I switched was I was promised a lot of things that somehow never materialized. I now know that happened due to an OVERZEALOUS 3rd party Ins. Agent by the name of Thomas Floyd. However, he HAD TO HAVE HELP from someone on the INSIDE of SCAN!!!!

    Since I contracted with SCAN, and not Mr. Floyd, and equally since he represented SCAN in the transaction of FRAUD that I experienced, I NOW DEMAND THAT SOMEONE FROM THE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY TO PUT THIS MATTER TO BED, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

    Your company is now standing in the way of my medical supplies and treatment, as you still have me enrolled on your books. Which means you’ve probably been collecting my Medicare funds for over a year without my using your company in any way, shape or form!!!


    If I haven’t received a telephone call from the President’s office TODAY, JUNE 10th, 2010, by 2:00pm PST/PDT, I will be forwarding this matter over to my attorney and you can deal with her!


    Paul G. Gardner II

  2. janet says:

    “Hi, scan, I am a retired nurse, it is hard to fool a medical person.

    I wonder why you people have a tier of drugs for different plans. I want a drug called Ambien but I can’t get it because you have a tier plan.. you and I both understand the drugs are being overcharged in health care plans to pay for other plans or the system in health care..

    I will continue to look for a plan more for my needs and not sure it is scan or scam. anyway it is as part of the ripoff of the American people…..Janet”

  3. Brian Coyer says:

    “I joined scan 1/1/11 and after many calls & complaints, finally received a scan i.d. 2/13/11. The doctor refused to see me without it even with my member #. customer service is a joke and refuses to take complaints.

    I am filing fraud & civil rights complaints with state & federal agencies. Save yourself money & grief and go elsewhere. If you ever become seriously ill and need health care, you do not need to battle your provider to get it.”

  4. Glenda Chambers says:

    “Oh, I love finding this page! Hopefully, the incompetents at SCAN read this!

    We joined, My Husband and I, November 2010, in April we received a call telling us we were being dropped because we lived in Pinal County, we told them NO we did not, we are in maricopa County and we live in a county island, Apache Jct just delivers the mail in this area. The rep told my husband he would get this straightened out and call us back, never heard from them again, Went to pick up my meds and the pharmacy said we had been dropped from Scan on April 30th!!!!

    According to their own book they are required to give you a written 90-day notice! We got nothing! We called them and the lies continued! We eventually found out that over 400 people were just dropped!! They screwed up my health plan at the very beginning and never got better!

    We both regret ever signing up with them. WE left Health Net because we thought Scan offered more!! What a bad decision that was. Health Net was bad but never as bad as SCAN or SCAM! We have now gone with Banner Medisun and like what we see so far.”

  5. Gene Quiring says:

    “Have atrophy and have received NO PHYSICAL THERAPY from Scan of Southern California for 12 weeks.

    Obviously I “”lost”” my legs as according to Nurses Weekly, you use 12% of muscle for every week of non-use. That doesn’t reflect the increase chances for breaking a bone and infection.”

  6. Tillie Tieszen says:

    “Has done nothing for my husband who became disabled in a wheelchair for three months. More than 20 communications, e-mail, telephone calls, and letters resulted in no therapy.

    Jason Devers tells us he will promise to call more than 10 days ago to remedy the situation, nothing. SCAM calls after a complaint was filed with Medicare with a promise that SCAM will contact our family that day or the next business day; HASN’T HAPPENED!!!

    The simple truth is their words are full of promises while actual pictures sees a member of our family “”wasting away”” . . .”

  7. Donand starkey says:

    “I enrolled in scan because of their “”promises”” in their TV ads. I have tried to get some assistance on my prescriptions for the last week. I have talked to three people Tyra, Sebastian and can’t remember the others name, each of which tells me they will “”check it out”” and call me back. Have not heard back from anyone.

    I’m about out of my meds and no one at Scan seems to give a rats posterior if I live or die. I guess I’m stuck with this poor excuse for a medical provider till next year.

    They should change their name to SCAM, not Scan.
    Shame on you Scan.”

  8. Bob Lederfine says:

    “I have had nothing but the best service from Scan since I signed up in 2013. They call me all the time asking me how I am feeling and if I need any assistance with anything. They even called me on my birthday to wish me a good day.

    So far I am very pleased, right now I am going through some medical issues and it is being handled perfectly with Scan and my Doctors. The approvals that are required have been approved in a very fast time so not to disrupt my appointments for treatment.

    Keep up the great work SCAN…..”

  9. James Kelly says:

    “I have been a member of the classic 106 plan for several years and I must say that I have been more than satisfied. I was in the hospital (St. Mary’s in Apple Valley, Ca.) with a life-threatening illness and Scan covered everything after a $50 co-pay.

    All my med’s have been covered as well as in-home care associated with this illness. I don’s see what else Scan could have done and I appreciate their service. Thanks Scan.”

  10. Max Henson says:

    “Thought I had found heaven when I joined Scan. But that was until I needed them.

    Boating accident broke my back. Tried to get approval to see a back doctor but was refused. Filed an appeal and was denied. Appealed the appeal and was denied.

    So for now 2 weeks later, can move from bed to couch and back, still, in back pain, they will let me know in 30 days if I can see the back doctor.

    No one from Scan has even looked at my back X-rays. How can they say “”no”” when they don’t even know? Correct term SCAM”

  11. Susan Murray says:

    “This company is now going to offer a SCAN Classic HMO plan in Sonoma County, Northern CA, above San Francisco. I had never heard of this company but am reading complaint, after complaint about their services. On YELP they get a 2-star review. Although some reviewers are positive, maybe it’s the county you live in.

    I am losing my Health Net Rub Select coverage 12/30/14 as they are no longer offering this insurance in Sonoma County, CA. So I have been checking the internet for coverage Q1medicare.com provide unbiased reviews of Medicare Advantage plans and this company is one of them. Their offering seems to good to be true, and it got me wondering how real people are on this insurance.

    I’m very healthy so rarely go to the Dr. except yearly. Thank you all for your honest reviews of this company – this will help me decide if I even want to check out their coverage.”

  12. Susan Cavanaugh says:

    “They should call this Scam insurance.

    I have been struggling with Scan for over six months about covered emergency costs for my 91-year-old mother. Scan repeatedly declines the claims as evidenced by their notice to the provider yet when you call them they no nothing about them, can’t help you, just sort it out yourself.

    I filed a grievance on their website a month ago for their total lack of any customer service whatsoever, but they have yet to respond to me. Perhaps my next grievance should be filed with the California State Insurance Commission.

    From the other reviews, I can see we are not the only ones very unhappy with Scan.”

  13. Rich Berg says:

    “I was diagnosed with Bladder cancer in June 2015. Only because I shouted my head off to Scan did they locate me an appointment with a urologist. It took eight phone contacts to get them to move their asses.

    I attended the appointment and was told to immediately go to the Holy Cross Emergency and they would admit me to the hospital. I was in renal failure. It was then the cancer was discovered. Suppose I just gave up about setting an appointment.”

  14. Marilee Carr says:

    “I have been on SCAN Classic for 2 years, but I just started using them in 11/15.

    Their customer service is abysmal.I have chronic health conditions that cause debilitating fatigue.It’s easier to keep managing them on my own than trying to wade through the morass of nasty, inefficient support staff.

    I will be enrolling in another plan this year.”

  15. Cindy says:

    “I put my mom on SCAN 2 years ago, I too was so pleased with commercials and felt I finally found an insurance that would help my mom, she suffers from a variety of behavioral health issues and the latest is now because of all the messed up psych drugs these wanna be docs gave her she has addiction issues, SCAN uses a provider through Monarch called Winstone for behavioral health they are THE WORSE!!!!

    If you too have Monarch and are suffering with behavior health issues RUN, don’t ever expect to get any better they will only help you get worse. I have never been so disappointed in my life with SCAN I even tried to get a hold of the CEO who by the way is NOT a senior like the commercial says, he’s actually a young man who you cannot call or email you have to send him a letter and hope you hear back.

    I have recently put my mom on straight Medicare and dropped SCAN, they of course, are giving us a hard time about it. I hate SCAN and do not recommend it to anyone”

  16. Keith Benicek says:

    “SCAN advertisements “”claim”” to be Senior and Member oriented, BS! Their employees LIE every time they PROMISE that a Manager will call you back because NONE are ever available when you call for help dealing with your healthcare agency (like Monarch) or your Doctor’s Group! I’ve called these jerks (SCAN) in Long Beach 6 TIMES now in 60 days regarding a Denial of Payment for a Lab Test both Monarch and OptimOne Medical Group FAILED to submit for an Authorization prior to the test which is Required to be covered by Medicare! I filed a Grievance with SCAN against both Healthcare providers, SCAN did NOTHING! Since I pay SCAN (with my Medicare) they are MY employee and are supposed to Advocate for ME with Monarch and my doctor’s office. They have done NEITHER! The Arrogance SCAN has making Promises to return calls from their PAYING Members is staggering! This situation has been going on for 8 MONTHS! Since April 2019!

    SCAN is worse than any government agency I’ve ever dealt with. The DMV is more honest and helpful than SCAN and that says a lot!
    You cannot Trust SCAN, don’t even think that they are there for you
    as a Member, a Senior or a paying subscriber to their insurance.
    I’ve been with them for THREE YEARS! This is the way they treat you, all they care about is getting your Social Security money from


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