Category: FAQ

What is a plan sponsor for medical insurance?
“To sum it up…” Sponsors organize medical insurance plans for the benefit of subscribers Sponsors typically organize an...

Health Insurance for One Week
“To sum it up…” Short-term health insurance is available from many carriers You need to be aware of laws and when healt...

Is medical insurance a fringe benefit?
“To sum it up…” Fringe benefits are taxable forms of wages or employee compensation The Stabilization Act of 1942 led t...

Can you be covered under two health insurance p...
“To sum it up…” When maintaining two health insurance policies, one of them will act as the primary that comes into eff...

Health Insurance for My Teenager
“To sum it up…” It is almost certainly possible to get your teen health insurance one way or another They can be on you...

How is a health insurance premium calculated?
“To sum it up…” If you are an older person, your monthly premium under Obamacare can cost your three times more than a ...

How does a health insurance broker get paid?
“To sum it up…” Health insurance brokers have played a key role in promoting Obamacare policies Health insurance broker...
What is dual medical coverage?
“To sum it up…” When someone is said to have dual medical coverage, the reality is that they have two different health ...

What is a “narrow network” in health insurance?
“To sum it up…” Health insurance providers use networks to deliver benefits to subscribers Insurers share costs for net...