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Unified Health Insurance Company

Unified Life Insurance Company, succeeding a company of the same name, reorganized in the state of Texas in 2001. Since then, Unified has been wholly owned and operated by William Buchanan and his family. Buchanan has spent more than fifty years in the insurance industry and is highly regarded by his peers. Unified life is primarily a reinsurer, taking on the financial risks of other insurance companies. Unified Life is licensed in 49 of the 50 United States, all except New York, and the District of Columbia.

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Unified is located in Kansas and can be contacted at the following address:

Unified Life Insurance Company
PO Box 25326
Overland Park, Kansas 66225

For customer service on an insurance policy serviced by Unified, call toll free, 800-237-4463.

Unified Life is also in the business of buying other insurance companies. One such acquisition recently occurred as Unified bought the Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company, formerly of Glenview, Illinois. Responsibility for all outstanding Guarantee policies was assumed by Unified as of December 31, 2010. All the benefits and terms of the former Guarantee policies remain exactly the same. Guarantee policyholders will make payments to and file claims with Unified Life through their administrative offices in Overland Park, Kansas.

Unified Life Customer Service

With the addition of Guarantee’s book of business, Unified Life now serves over 200,000 insurance clients coast to coast. Unified promises friendly and courteous service to all of its many clients, the same quality service they grew to expect from the various companies who originally sold them their insurance policies.

The only other information the company website provides is a convenient forms page, where clients may access common notices, statements, federal tax forms, and claims forms.

Unified Life Ratings

A.M. Best rates Unified Life as “good, B++.” Unified meets the criteria of a category five insurance company with annual revenues in the $10 to $25 million range.

Unified Life Community Service

Unified Life remains committed to the community it serves by sponsoring many worthwhile organizations and charitable groups. One such group is Kansas City Express, a running club for women. Each year Unified sponsors a Mother’s Day 5-kilometer race promoting health and fitness for women. This past year, more than 3,000 female runners participated.

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