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How do I change my health insurance when moving out of state?

“To sum it up…”

If you are moving to another state or even another area within your state, there are several steps that you must take in order to ensure you have proper health insurance. You may be curious, for example, whether your existing insurance will follow you to your new location.

A company-provided plan usually cannot be moved. An indemnity plan where the customer purchases the policy directly from an insurance carrier can often be moved. Medicare can be moved, but the Medicare Advantage Plans and other HMO plans cannot be moved.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out what you can do in your particular situation and most importantly do not make any assumptions. Ask a lot of questions of your insurance carrier and get the facts. The criteria regarding moves will differ for the various types of insurance plans.

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Examining Moving Criteria for Different Plans

The most important step is to talk to your insurance provider to determine whether coverage continues if you move. However, keep in mind that there are a lot of variations on this subject.

Private Insurance

If you have an individual or family policy from an insurance carrier, the first step is to check with your insurance agent. There are questions you need to ask, including:

In the past when changing health policies, a person could be denied coverage for pre-existing health conditions. As a result of the Affordable Care Act, this is no longer true. A person cannot be turned down for prior health conditions. This makes finding an insurance plan in another state easier than it was in the past.

Group Coverage

If you work within a company that provides a group policy to its employees and families, and that company transfers you to another state, the insurance transition will be relatively simple. However, if you are laid off or decide to quit and move to another location, the situation can be more difficult. Consider following these steps.


There are many variations of Medicare, including Parts A, B, and D.

Medicare Advantage Plans

The Medicare Advantage plans are designed to operate on a regional basis in that you have to live in that particular area and use doctors and hospitals that are part of the plan’s network. Features of the Medicare Advantage Plans include:

Things to Do


When moving, do not assume your current insurance will be available in another state. Before moving you should:


Changing insurance carriers may seem like a daunting challenge. However, it can be relatively easy if you start researching as soon as you know when you are going to move. Do not wait until after the move before addressing the insurance issue.

Talk to your current employer, your new employer, and your insurance provider. Ask questions and insist on clear answers. What may appear to be a routine health issue could turn into something much more serious.

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