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Health Net Health Insurance Company

Wondering if Health Net Health Insurance Company might be the best health care provider to meet your needs? Looking at several aspects of a health insurance company can make this choice easier. It is good to get a feel for the company’s history and goals. It can also be important to understand their scope and the demographic they are designed to serve.

You may be interested in how well the company is rated and you will most certainly want to get an idea of what kind of plans and products they offer. Finally, you will want to compare the price for health coverage through Health Net Health Insurance Company with those of a number of their competitors to ensure that you get the best price.

Read this Health Net Health Insurance review, browse through the customer reviews of Health Net Insurance at the bottom of this article, and then be sure and compare rates from the best health insurance providers in your state by using the free health insurance quote finder on the side of this page.

Health Net History

Health Net Health Insurance Company was founded in 2001 when Physician’s Health Services merged with 1st Option Health Plans of New Jersey, M.D. Health Plan of Connecticut and QualMed Plans for Health in Pennsylvania. The company is currently one of the most sizable publicly traded managed health care corporations and is headquartered in Shelton, Connecticut. Health Net Health Insurance Company offers Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization, (PPO), Point of Service (POS) and Medicare type products in Arizona, California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington, and Medicare only in all other states. Their HMO, PPO, and POS health care products vary in terms of benefits and availability from state to state.

Products, Plans, & Coverage Options

Health Net’s Medicare product features no or low monthly premiums. There is also low or no co-payments for specialists, doctor’s visits, emergency care, preferred medications, and the first physical each year. No co-payment is charged for screening exams or covered immunizations. Chiropractic, dental and vision are optional products that are supplemental in nature and are available in some areas for low monthly premiums.

Health Net Vision Plans

Health Net Health Insurance Company offers Preferred Provider Organization style vision plans. This means that choosing to get your vision care through someone in their preferred provider network will reduce your out-of-pocket costs. They have an extensive network of providers that also includes LensCrafters. The vision plan covers eye exams, and choices of contact lenses, frames, and accessories. This plan does not require that participants fill out claims forms in order to receive the benefits. Health Net’s vision plans are underwritten by Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company and are serviced through EyeMed Vision Care, LLC.

Health Net Dental Plans

Health Net also offers PPO style dental plans. These dental plans have a large network of dentists, oral surgeons and pediatric dentists through which participants will pay fewer out-of-pocket expenses. The plans are offered with different deductibles, calendar year maximums and co-insurance amounts for employer groups. The plans for Arizona and California are underwritten by Unimerica Insurance Company and those for Oregon and Washington are administered by Dental Benefit Providers of California Inc.

Health Net also has two additional dental plans that are only for employer groups in California, HN Plus DHMO and HN Value DHMO. These plans’ benefits include 345 dental procedures that are covered except for a co-payment, adult fluoride treatments, diagnostic procedures, 4 visits for cleanings and maintenance per year, anesthesia, labial veneers, whitening, elective dentistry, and orthodontics for both adults and children. There are no deductibles or dollar maximums that apply to these plans.

Health Net California Health Plans

Health Net has several programs particular to California. These include the Healthy Families Program, the Healthy Kids Program, Access for Infants and Mothers and Medi-Cal. The Healthy Families, Healthy Kids and Access for Infants and Mothers have low monthly premiums and the Medi-Cal is provided with out charge to qualified individuals.

Health Net Healthy Families Program

The Healthy Families Program is federally and state funded and is designed to provide health care to children of low income families who are under 19 years of age. This program operates with HMO style coverage in 35 counties and EPO type coverage in eleven counties. This program provides coverage for doctor’s visits, dental care, vision care, prescription drugs and immunizations. In order to qualify for this plan, a participant needs to be under 19 year of age, ineligible for no cost Medi-Cal, a resident of California, have a family income that meets the requirements, not have been covered under a parents health coverage for a period of 3 months, and be a U.S national, U.S. Citizen or an eligible qualified immigrant.

Health Net Healthy Kids Program

The Healthy Kids Program provides similar coverage to the Healthy Families Program but it adds hospital care and eyeglasses. Participants need to be under 18 years of age, a resident of the county to which they are applying, have family income that is within the guidelines, can’t be eligible for Healthy Families or Medi-Cal, and can’t have been covered by a parent’s employer plan or publicly sponsored plan for a period of 3 months. Undocumented children are eligible for this plan.

Health Net Access for Infants & Mothers Program

The Access for Infants and Mothers Program provides low cost health care to women who are pregnant until 60 days after the baby is born. This plan is designed to help middle income families who don’t qualify for Medi-Cal or mothers who have private health insurance policies that have $500 or more in deductibles for prenatal care. This plan covers prenatal visits, hospital delivery, immunizations, prescriptions and health education. Babies born to mothers while in this program can automatically enroll in Healthy Families. In order to qualify for this program a mother has to be less than 30 weeks into her pregnancy when she applies, her total income needs to be within the specified requirements or have insurance with high deductibles, and she can’t be eligible for Medicare or Medi-Cal. This plan does not charge deductibles or co-payments however, 1.5% of the applicant’s adjusted household income is charged toward participation. This can be paid as a lump sum or in 12 payments. This plan is available in 14 counties.


Medi-Cal provides health care at no cost for most benefits to those who qualify. This program is available in ten counties. It provides coverage for doctor visits, lab tests, x-rays, immunizations, health education, prescriptions, emergency care, urgent care, dental care, eye exams and glasses.

Bi-Lingual Customer Service

Health Net Health Insurance Company’s customers in California can take advantage of bi-lingual help lines. Customer service is provided in both Chinese and Spanish. Assistance is available in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey for those who are hearing impaired.

Health Net Awards

Health Net was the top rated Health Management Organization in Arizona from 2004 to 2007 according to public polls. In addition, Health Net Health Insurance received a rating of “B++ good” from A.M. Best in 2007. A.M. Best rates the financial strength and stability of companies. Since the financial circumstances of companies in this economic climate are in a constant state of flux, it is advisable to check for updated information from time to time.

Compare Health Net Health Insurance Quotes

Perhaps Health Net Health Insurance Company sounds like the health insurance company you’ve been looking for. You will still want to compare quotes from this provider with a few other companies with comparable products to make sure you are getting the best price for your health insurance. Enter your zip code into the quote tool above, and start getting free quotes from many top health insurance providers!