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Does medicaid count as insurance for ObamaCare?

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Medicaid takes on many names as states implement these vital programs for low-income Americans. Medicaid is a lifeline providing routine and critical medical care to those least able to pay for it. Without Medicaid for low-income individuals and CHIP for children, there would be a crisis in medical care affecting tens of millions of Americans and imperiling a vast number of community-based health care services institutions. Comparison shopping is the method best suited for finding the right healthcare coverage. In assessing Medicaid coverage, comparison shopping can focus on the parts of the essential benefits and other features that matter most to an individual or family. This process can help get the maximum health service impact from the available resources. Start comparing health insurance rates now by using our FREE tool above!

The Medicaid Gap

Medicaid has an upper limit of income; those with too much income do not qualify. Many with too much income for Medicaid have not enough income for Marketplace plans and subsidies. This is the Medicaid Gap, and the Affordable Care Act closed the gap by increasing the income eligibility for Medicaid. The ACA provided funds and assistance to state governments to increase the numbers of Medicaid-eligible citizens. Those making more than the federal poverty guideline amount do not qualify for Medicaid in 20 states that refused the Medicaid expansion. Obamacare expanded Medicaid eligibility to 138 percent if the poverty guideline amount. In this way, fewer people earned too much for Medicaid.

Medicaid Expansion

Obamacare Medicaid expansion held the potential to transform universal health coverage into a more reachable stage. The expansion could cover more than 20 million under-insured Americans over a ten year period. The benefits of Medicaid expansion were far reaching and aimed at the particular populations that Republican Governors blocked from getting the benefits. Medicaid expansion would have helped rural areas and counties with declining availability of medical services.

There is a distinct connection between the availability of medical services and the burdens if unpaid medical bills.

As low-income populations rely on emergency room treat met rather than prevention and wellness, the expenses pile up into enormous amounts if unpaid medical bills, In some states, rural areas have lost a majority of their service providers in recent years due to financial failures.

Uninsured and Health Services

Large populations of uninsured Americans have had a harmful effect on their communities, and particularly in medical services providers like hospitals and clinics. Many states have endured widespread closures of healthcare facilities which has exacerbated the problems. People must travel enormous distances while in medical distress in order to get treatment for critical emergencies such as heart attacks and to maintain severe conditions like blood dialysis. Medicaid expansion would convert uninsured patients into insured patients and convert unpaid bills into insurance covered expenses. The objections to these benefits seem small in comparison to the institutional improvements and life-saving benefits.

Medicaid is Available 366

Obamacare has an open season; the limited time of the year in which one can sign up. For the calendar year 2016, the Open Enrollment started November 1, 2015, and continued through January 31, 2016. Medicaid eligibility continues year-round. Whenever a resident qualifies, they can enroll.

Medicaid and The Individual Mandate

The Affordable Care Act requires that every person get and keep minimum essential coverage or pay a penalty called the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment. The following listing describes coverage that satisfies the Individual Mandate.

Ten Essential Benefits

All qualified health plans offer the ten essential benefits at no extra charge to the subscriber. Starting January 1, 2014, Medicaid coverage included services from at least ten if the essential benefits categories at no extra charge. Services can vary widely from state to state and within state programs, Preventive services are in the core purposes of Obamacare.

Wellness and prevention are the keys to long-term improvement in the nation’s health measures.

Wellness keeps us symptom-free and prevention detects severe diseases while early and treatable. Prevention makes a world of difference in the individual lives of citizens. Treatable illnesses like diabetes when left unchecked cause enormous damage, massive expenses, and too often, premature death.

Medicaid Exemption

Residents in states that did not expand Medicaid can get an exemption from the individual mandate. Those denied coverage in states that did not expand Medicaid can get a Hardship Exemption and qualify for catastrophic coverage on the marketplace.

Medicaid Counts as Qualified Insurance

For purposes of the Individual Mandate, Medicaid counts as meeting the mandate if one were accepted, and for gaining an exemption if denied in a non-expansion state. The range of services in state Medicaid programs reflect the essential health benefits guaranteed by the ACA. Comparison shopping is a great way to focus on the key parts of medical services plans and programs. One can lock-in on the services and benefits that affect one’s situation. Information is critical to getting the best treatment and medical services outcomes. Start comparing health insurance rates now by entering your zip code in our FREE tool below!