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Sunset Life Insurance Company of America

Sunset Life Insurance Company is a stock organization that has been around since 1937. Their total assets are $408,033,546 with a net surplus of $29,573,641 and a capital of $5,320,000.

Sunset Life Insurance does not offer any health insurance. To find health insurance, simply type in your zip code and compare different health insurance quotes to find one that meets your individual needs.

Located in Kansas City, MO, Sunset Life Insurance Company can be reached at the following phone number and address:

Sunset Life
PO Box 219532
3520 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64121
Phone #: 816-753-7000

Sunset Life Insurance Company Affiliates

Sunset Life Insurance services 44 states and Western Europe. The company has integrated with Kansas City Life Insurance Company network of agents for all new sales and general agents. The following are Sunset Life Insurance affiliates:

Kansas City Life Insurance has 6,000 or more general agents serving both the D.C. area and 48 states. They serve:

Old American Insurance Company, also located in Kansas City, markets those individuals ages 50 to 85. Their services include:

Sunset Financial Services is a brokerage firm and investment advisor. Sunset Financial Services is a member of both the FINRA and the SIPC. Their investment options include:

Sunset Life Insurance Company Products

Sunset Life offers a variety of products in terms of both life insurance and investments. The following are types of life insurance offered:

For qualified and non-qualified markets, Sunset Life offers immediate and deferred annuities. The Variable Insurance products, mutual funds and other investment products are actually available through Sunset Financial Services, Inc., Sunset Life’s broker/dealer.

With the support of Sunset Financial Services, Sunset Life is able to offer investment products as well. Sunset Financial has been a registered subsidiary of Kansas Life since 1964 and operates a full-service brokerage firm. The following products are available to Sunset Life policyholders:

Sunset Life Insurance Company Rating

According to A.M. Best, Sunset Life Insurance Company has received a rating of A- as of June 16, 2011. This is considered an “Excellent” rating with a “Stable” outlook as far as financial strength.

Sunset Life Insurance Company also received an A- rating for A.M. Best’s credit rating. The outlook for Sunset Life Insurance Company’s credit is also “Stable” as of June 16, 2011.

Ratings from A.M. Best fall anywhere between A++, which is considered “Superior,” to F, which is “Liquidation.” Any rating between A++ and B+ is considered a good rating of “Secure.”

Sunset Life Insurance Company Careers

Sunset Life Insurance has career opportunities in their corporate office in Kansas City, MO and in various other locations throughout the company. You can access these options in their Career Agency System.

Sunset Life Insurance Company is an equal opportunity employer and has opportunities available to future employees regardless of:

The equal opportunity is not limited to and includes:

Alternative Top Rated Health Insurance Companies

Being that Sunset Life Insurance does not offer health insurance at this time, there are plenty of companies that do. The following five companies do offer health insurance and rank within the top 25 of best health insurance companies on a national level:

This information has been collected for the sole purpose of having a top rated list of health insurance companies. The information was collected in 2009 and was made available to the public in early 2011. After collection of the data the results included how much was earned among insurers during 2009. The total was 650 billion earned on premiums of top rated U.S. health insurers in 2009. The top 25 companies, provided by U.S. News website, earned two-thirds of the 650 billion.

To view different health insurance rates, enter your zip code. By doing this you can compare the rates of Kaiser Foundation, WellPoint Inc., Metropolitan Group, Blue Cross Group, HIP Ins. Group and other health insurance companies as well.